Best Treadle Feeders for Chickens: Efficient Feeding Solutions

Raising chickens comes with the responsibility of providing them with proper nutrition and care, and an essential part of that care is ensuring they have access to their feed. However, feeding challenges such as pests stealing feed and wastage due to overconsumption can be frustrating for chicken keepers. This is where treadle feeders step in as a potential game-changer in the world of chicken feeding. In this comprehensive review, we’ll delve into the benefits, considerations, and look at the best treadle feeders for chickens.

Understanding Treadle Feeders: A Game-Changer in Chicken Feeding:

Treadle feeders are innovative feeding solutions designed to address common challenges that chicken keepers face when it comes to providing food for their flock. The genius behind these feeders lies in their ability to grant access to your chickens while keeping wild birds, rodents, and other unwanted visitors out. The mechanism is ingeniously simple: chickens step on the treadle, a lever-like platform, to open the feeder’s access door. This grants them access to their feed, while the door remains closed to any intruders.

Advantages of Treadle Feeders: Why They’re Worth Considering:

The benefits of using treadle feeders extend far beyond convenience; they directly contribute to the overall well-being of your flock. Here are some compelling reasons why these feeders are worth considering for your chicken-keeping setup:

Efficient Feed Control:

Treadle feeders provide you with a level of control over your flock’s feeding routine that traditional open feeders cannot match. By only allowing access when a chicken steps on the treadle, these feeders significantly reduce feed wastage. Chickens can’t scatter feed around or toss it aside as they often do with conventional feeders.

Protection from Pests:

Wild birds, rodents, and other pests are attracted to chicken feed, and their presence can lead to disease transmission and contamination of the feed. Treadle feeders act as a barrier, ensuring that only your chickens have access to the feed. This reduces the risk of pests infiltrating the coop or run and helps maintain a healthier environment for your flock.

Encouraging Natural Behavior:

Chickens are naturally curious and forage for food by scratching and pecking the ground. Treadle feeders tap into this instinct by requiring chickens to use their feet to access the feed. This promotes mental stimulation and physical activity, contributing to the overall well-being of your birds.

As we delve deeper into this article, we’ll explore the essential aspects of using treadle feeders for your flock. From training chickens to use these feeders to choosing the right one for your needs, we’ll provide insights to help you make informed decisions that positively impact your flock’s feeding routine. Stay tuned for the next section, where we’ll guide you through the process of training your chickens to effectively use treadle feeders for their sustenance.

Training Chickens to Use Treadle Feeders:

While treadle feeders offer numerous benefits, it’s essential to train your chickens to use them effectively. Training ensures that all members of your flock can access their feed without any hesitation. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you train your chickens:

1. Familiarization: Begin by placing the treadle feeder in a familiar area within the coop or run. Allow your chickens to get used to the presence of the feeder before introducing any feed.

2. Baiting the Feeder: Once your chickens are comfortable with the feeder’s presence, place a small amount of their regular feed on the treadle platform. This encourages them to step on the treadle to access the feed.

3. Positive Reinforcement: As chickens step on the treadle and the feeder door opens, some feed will spill out. This positive reinforcement helps them associate stepping on the treadle with accessing food.

4. Gradual Transition: Over time, increase the amount of feed on the treadle platform. This encourages chickens to spend more time on the treadle, reinforcing the behavior.

5. Monitoring Progress: Observe your flock’s behavior around the treadle feeder. Chickens have varying learning curves, so some might catch on quickly, while others may take more time.

Key Features to Look for When Buying a Treadle Feeder:

Investing in a quality treadle feeder ensures a successful feeding solution for your flock. Here are key features to consider when making your purchase:

Ideal Size and Capacity: Choose a feeder size that accommodates the number of chickens you have. A larger flock might require a feeder with a higher capacity to minimize frequent refilling.

Sturdy Construction: Treadle feeders are subject to constant use by chickens, and the material should withstand pecking, scratching, and weather conditions. Opt for feeders made of durable, weather-resistant materials.

Smooth Treadle Action: A balanced and smooth treadle action is crucial. Chickens should be able to easily step on the treadle to access the feed without facing any resistance.

Adjustable Weight Settings: Different chicken breeds and sizes have varying weights. Look for a feeder with adjustable weight settings, allowing you to customize the sensitivity of the treadle to match your chickens’ weight.

Notable Treadle Feeder Brands and Their Offerings:

Several reputable brands offer treadle feeders designed to meet various needs. Here are some popular brands and their offerings:

RentACoop: This model features a durable metal construction, adjustable weight settings, and a high feed capacity. It’s suitable for larger flocks and is known for its longevity.

Royal Rooster: A compact option with a focus on easy assembly and cleaning. It’s designed for smaller flocks and urban settings where space is limited.

Kebonnixs: This feeder boasts advanced technology, including a quiet closing mechanism, which reduces noise disruptions in the coop or run. It’s a great option for chicken keepers concerned about noise levels.

Addressing Drawbacks and Considerations:

While treadle feeders offer significant advantages, it’s important to be aware of potential drawbacks:

Noise Concerns: Some treadle feeders can produce noise when chickens step on the treadle and when the door closes. This noise might startle skittish chickens or cause unnecessary disturbances.

Ensuring Chicken Familiarity: Not all chickens will immediately grasp the concept of using a treadle feeder. Some might need more time to learn how to access their food through this mechanism.

Potential Learning Curve: Introducing a new feeding method can result in a learning curve for your flock. Be patient as chickens adapt to the new routine, especially if they’ve been using traditional feeders for a while.

In the final section of this article, we’ll explore the approximate costs associated with treadle feeders, their potential cost savings, and the real-life experiences of chicken keepers who have successfully integrated these feeders into their setups. You could always try building one like this one found at

Approximate Costs and Cost Savings:

When considering a treadle feeder, it’s essential to weigh the initial investment against the potential long-term cost savings:

Initial Costs: Treadle feeders come in a range of prices, with basic models starting at around $50 and more advanced options with additional features costing up to $150. The cost varies based on size, brand reputation, materials, and special features.

Cost Savings: While the upfront cost might seem higher than traditional feeders, treadle feeders offer significant savings over time. The prevention of feed wastage due to scattering or pests ensures that the feed you provide your chickens is used efficiently.

The Best Treadle Feeders for Chickens

In conclusion, treadle feeders have revolutionized the way we feed our chickens by offering efficiency, protection against pests, and mental stimulation through natural behaviors. Training your chickens to use these feeders is a crucial step toward their successful integration into your setup. When buying a treadle feeder, focus on key features that ensure durability and ease of use. Despite potential drawbacks such as noise concerns and a learning curve, the advantages of reduced feed wastage and improved flock health make treadle feeders a valuable investment.

As you consider incorporating a treadle feeder into your chicken-keeping routine, remember that each flock is unique. Some chickens might adapt quickly, while others may require more time. By taking the time to train your chickens and select the right feeder for your needs, you’re setting the stage for a smoother feeding experience and a healthier, happier flock. Whether you’re a new chicken keeper or a seasoned pro, the addition of a well-chosen treadle feeder can undoubtedly enhance your chicken-keeping journey.

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